TV series, Episode 1: "THX, NEXT..."
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Joining Creative Minds: Connecting Investors with Content Maker
Goal Achieved: Pay Only for Funded Projects
Reward Calculation: Plan Your Income
Project Success: Be Part of Innovative Projects
Funds raised
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Days left

Internet&TV broadcasting

Expected Platform

Start Invest from 1000 CHF

About Series 1:

We at the Team have been involved in startups for many years, and like tens of thousands of other startups in the world, we know how hard it is for every startup to find funding from investors. 

At the same time, those ideas that have changed the world, our lives, and today seem to be something ordinary every day; at the time of the creation of the concept, the project did not seem so for everyone at all.

It was quite the opposite - they were laughed at and suggested to do something else. But still, some believed in them. 

And we decided to reflect this idea in our movie anthology "Thx. Next".

It is a series of movies about never giving up, always going for the goal, doing what you believe in, and finding those who believe in you.

Our goal is for these movies to become a symbol of the startup and venture capital industry for this movie to answer the question, "What awaits me when looking for investment?".

Each episode of our movie anthology reveals a different story that could have happened to one of the great projects that changed the world. 

And they've probably really heard it all in their own lives. 

Although all the events in the movie are fictional and all coincidences are coincidental, we all know that coincidences are not coincidences. 

The series "Silicon Valley" reflects the whole way of building a startup, and the string "Black Mirror" reflects the future development of technology and what it can lead humanity to.

And these series have become an integral part of reflecting the life of the tech and startup world. 

Our series reflects that truly breakthrough ideas seemed absurd and unnecessary at the beginning of their journey. 

And yet, they still managed to change the world. 

To create the movie, we gathered a team of talented professionals. 

Filming of the movie takes place in Ukraine, Kyiv, despite the military actions in Ukraine. 

Script-doctoring in the U.S. Hollywood, and the essence of dialogues with investors is the analysis and experience of communicating with investors for many years. 

Author of the idea and co-author of the script: vidby AG co-founder Alexander Konovalov. 

It is not by chance that the project was initiated by

It will be the world's first fiction series to be translated and voiced by artificial intelligence technologies. 

Here, we will apply our most advanced artificial intelligence technologies for the translation and dubbing of videos in different languages, we will show how lip-sync and text replacement work on video, and most importantly - we will do the voice-over of the movie with artificial intelligence with synthesizing emotions in speech.

With this, we will show the future that has already come, the lot we are creating together with those who have already believed in us. 

In addition, with this project, we are launching our new investment platform to raise funding for creating and translating video content for authors from all over the world. 

We want to show by example that this is also possible and opens new opportunities for authors, becoming a new source of monetization of their work. 

We attract producers from the USA and Switzerland to promote and sell the movie.

We aim to sell the series to significant TV companies and streaming platforms like Netflix and HBO.

We invite you to participate in the financing of this project and buy a stake in this commercial project, which involves earning from the sale of intellectual rights and licenses to the whole world. 

You can read more details in other sections on this page. 

Please send additional questions and requests to our e-mail:

About Series 1:
Apparently, humanity has grown tired of the same sort of art to the point where it has decided to make a work of art and then destroy it since the value of creativity shouldn't be based on its cost. This devastation became so stunning that it was purchased for millions of dollars. This concept has transformed the world of modern art. And it will never be the same again, but it will continue to be profitable for the innovator for a long time.
As once occurred, one individual created a social network that allowed users to post images like most other social networks. But his perseverance and confidence enabled the entire world to transform and become different. Sometimes, even commonplace ideas can alter the world; the key is to believe! 
All of the characters are made up. 
Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.



Expected result

The sale of the film to major players in the film market, such as Netflix, HBO, and others. And we anticipate that this film will become a symbol for the IT startup industry. This movie will be translated and dubbed into 20 languages using technologies.

Share of the project


Target platforms

Internet&TV broadcasting

Expected outcome

1000000 CHF

Begining of investment date


End of investment date


Rules and permissions

Deadline of the project

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